Monday, December 3, 2007

Japanese Language Proficiency Test

About thousands of people from Manila, Cebu and Davao here in the Philippines participated on the recently concluded Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT). The exam assesses your Japanese Language skills which include grammer, vocabulary and listening skills.

Gladly, I've passed Level 4 and Level 3 yet I haven't used it as of the moment. Maybe, because I'm now working in an American firm unlike before in which Japanese language is very helpful when I was working with NEC.

Pictures below are taken with their proctors. I find their proctor, Amika Tahahashi, cute. How I wish I was there. Sigh.

JPLT examiners from NSP Manila Branch

To all of you guys, good luck. Gambette ne!


vetz said...

yan yung sunday? :D astig.. haha

YAM said...

yeah. just remember those times that i took the exam. :D